The Care Manager Dashboard is a great way for Users with caseloads to view their members' progress on one landing page!
Viewing the CM Dashboard
There are a few ways to getting to the Care Manager Dashboard:
1. For Users who are assigned a caseload of members, upon logging into FCM, Users should automatically land on their own Care Manager Dashboard.
2. Users can also click the Foothold icon at the top of the window to be directed to their Care Manager Dashboard.
3. Finally, Users can go to Manage --> Reports --> Care Manager Dashboard
Navigating the Care Manager Dashboard
When viewing the Care Manager Dashboard, Users are able to see at a glance how their members are doing in terms of completion rates of the Big 3 Metrics: Consents, Assessments, Care Plans. In addition, Users can also view which of their members have any active Gaps in Care by their Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) and if there are any Care Plan changes that have been requested by their Supervisors.
At the top of dashboard, Users will see the number of members on their caseload, as well as the name of the Supervisory Team they are a part of, if applicable:
Clicking on the Caseload link will take Users to the Patient Index window with their list of members. Clicking on the Team name will take Users to the Supervisory Team window and see their fellow Care Managers within their Teams
Within each box, or widget, each number is hyperlinked and will take Users to the Patient Index window with a list of members who are in need of addressing:
FCM determines a member has an item due based on the information below:
- Due within 30 days of the member's last signed Care Plan date or last completed Comprehensive Assessment date
- This date will be shaded in Yellow on the member Overview and Caseload Overview screen.
- Missing, means that a Care Plan or Comprehensive Assessment was not marked as complete or signed by a member. It may still be in "edit" mode or was not started at all. If a consent is Missing, the document was not uploaded into the appropriate section of the Documents tab. The word "Missing" will be shaded in red on the member Overview and the Caseload Overview screen.
- Expired means that the member's most recent Care Plan or Comprehensive Assessment on file has exceeded one year. This date will be shaded in red on the member Overview and the Caseload Overview screen.
The Gaps in Care widget shows users which of their members have active gaps, as identified by the MCO.
Users have the ability to click on the View all active gaps link, which will direct to a new Gaps in Care report window:
Users can make direct changes to the status of each gap in this window, if needed. If Users click on the links to the right of each member instead, Users will be directed to a new window to the member's Gaps in Care tab:
The Care Plan Change Request widget will identify how many and which members are in need of updates to their Care Plans, as requested by a User's Supervisor.
Clicking on the member name will direct Users to the member's Care Plan with the requests made by the Supervisor:
If no changes have been requested by the Supervisor, then the User's widget will look like this: