To enroll a new member, Users can check to see if the record already exists in the entire FCM platform. To do this, click on the New Patient button on the top right corner of the Patient Search window:
Input in the Medicaid CIN and enter. If the member chart exists in FCM, a message will pop up in red telling the User that this record exists and under which organizations.
Users at a CMA, reach out to your Health Home contact for help with chart access.
Health Homes, reach out to the appropriate Health Home contact to request chart access. *Note, if you come across a member chart assigned to QCCP, MSHH, MSHHSC, CHN, CCC, or has no assignment to a Health Home, please reach out to and will take care of the chart transfer.
If a User sees the below information populate in red when searching for the member's CIN, this means that the chart does not exist for this CIN in FCM.
A new member chart can be completed directly from here.
Transferring a Chart in FCM
To transfer a chart being requested from a Health Home, follow the below steps:
Search the Member CIN in the Patient Search window. Confirm that the member does not have an active segment within your Health Home.
Once confirmed, click on Edit.
On the right hand side, go to the Current assignment section and click on the arrow for the Health Home drop down and choose the Health Home that is requesting access.
Navigate to the rest of the Current assignments section and clear out the other drop downs until all that is left is the Health Home:
If information under Care Management Program or Referral exists, delete this information as well, as the new HH/CMA will be entering their own information here. Once done, click Update Patient.
The chart is now assigned to the requesting Health Home and you can let them know they should be able to access the record.
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