Which RHIOs does FCM work with?
FCM connects exclusively with Healthix. That said, through our Healthix connection, we receive cross-RHIO alerts so we get Clinical Event Notifications that come from the other RHIOs within New York State.
How often does FCM receive notifications from Healthix?
FCM has a HL7 connection with Healthix where we send ADT messages up to Healthix informing them of new members that enroll or close, and we are constantly receiving Clinical Event Notifications from Healthix. This exchange of information happens 24/7.
What is the workflow within FCM to begin receiving notifications for a member?
FCM sends messages up to Healthix each time the following data points are created, updated, or destroyed:
- Health Home Consent is uploaded
- An enrolled segment is created
- A denial of consent is uploaded
When a Health Home consent is uploaded, we send Healthix a message that we have an affirmative consent on file given the RHIO being baked into the DOH 5055.
For members that are consenting via verbal consent during the New York State of Emergency, a Nil value will be sent to Healthix. This will allow FCM to receive the Clinical Event Notification, however, it will not allow permission for the Health Home to get additional clinical information on that member via the Healthix portal.
What if my member does not want to provide consent to Healthix?
While the RHIO is part of the current DOH 5055, if a member explicitly does NOT want to provide consent to Healthix, but they do want to sign the DOH 5055 to enroll into Health Homes, a member can complete the Healthix Withdrawal of Consent. If this form is uploaded into their record as a Withdrawal of Consent, FCM will send up a Deny value to Healthix and Clinical Event Notifications will not flow to FCM.
Does the consent last indefinitely for Healthix? Do I need to update anything in FCM to ensure that we continue to receive notifications or to stop notifications once a member is closed?
Once a consent value is sent to Healthix, we will continue to receive notifications for that member until either:
- They sign a Withdrawal of Consent that is uploaded
- Their segment is end dated
Who has access to log into the Healthix portal?
Only the members’ Health Home has access to log into the Healthix portal to obtain additional clinical information for those members who have consented. Both FCM and the Care Management Agency are not able to log into the portal to access member information.
How does a Clinical Event Notification make it to the member’s Care Manager?
- When FCM receives a notification for a member, an email is generated to the Care Manager along with any additional administrative staff that the CMA would like to designate to be copied on these email notifications.
The email notification itself does not contain any PHI, but rather a link to the specific Clinical Event Notification in the member’s record.
What type of information will I receive on my members?
You will receive inpatient and ED admits and discharges. Healthix has also been sending COVID testing and result information.
Can I run reports on Healthix notifications that come through FCM?
Yes! You can view, filter, and export to .csv the Clinical Event Notifications on this screen: https://www.rma.healthcare/clinical_event_notifications
Email us at fcm-support@footholdtechnology.com