To create a new HARP Care Plan, navigate to the HARP tab of the patient for whom you wish to create the HARP care plan.
In the HARP Care Plan box, click the "Update" dropdown, and you should see an option to "Start new care plan".
Click "Start new care plan", and you will be transported your brand new HARP Care Plan:
The data in the Demographics section will already be populated for you from the patient demographics.
Editing the HARP Care Plan works a lot like a combination of a regular care plan and an assessment.
You can navigate using the side bar, and you can click the Add buttons to add new elements to the care plan like needs or services:
As a rule, if you hover over an element, and it turns gold, you can click to edit it.
As mentioned previously, every section of the care plan is editable except the demographics sections at the top. If you happen to be missing data in this section or need to make a correction, you can edit those fields on the patient directly:
To attach a signed HARP care plan, click the plus sign in the Signed Care Plans panel:
You can upload any image type or PDF as a signed care plan.
Signed versions will show up in reverse chronological order to the left of the HARP care plan. You can download a signed version by clicking the download icon.