FCM supports importing CSV files for encounters. Users with DSP Admin or HH Admin privileges can upload these files into FCM's Imported Encounters screen as needed.
There are various use cases for importing encounters in this way. A common use case would be if Health Homes or CMAs are primarily documenting in a separate system and want to import these encounters into FCM, they could utilize this template.
Another use case would be if a member has more than one CIN number and a User wishes to import encounters that have been documented under a prior CIN into the chart of the active CIN. In order to do this, Users can export the encounters from the prior CIN from the Encounter Report linked here. Users can then utilize the information in the Encounter Mapping tab to see which columns from the Encounter Report map to the Encounter Importer.
To see a tutorial on how to Import Encounters into FCM, check out our snippet below:
See the attached Excel file ("[External] FCM Encounter Importer Template.xlsx"). Within this file, Users will find both the importer template and the specifications or mapping for how to map each field to the template.
To view a sample file, see attached "sample_encounter_import.csv."
For a clean/blank CSV template to work off of, users can download and save the attached "blank_encounter_import_template.csv."
To generate a completed encounter import template, as seen in the snippet video, using the Encounters Report csv file, download and save the ("[External] Template to Transform FCM Encounters Report to FCM Encounter Importer Format.xlsx").
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