If Users need to add a care manager to an individual member that is not assigned a care manager OR transfer an individual member that is assigned to one care manager to another care manager in FCM:
1. Go to the member record that needs to transfer to a different care manager.
2. Click Edit in the top right-hand corner.
3. In the Care Manager field, choose the new care manager that will be assigned to this member and click "Update Patient" in the bottom right-hand corner.
The member is now successfully added to the care manager's caseload.
If Users need to transfer all members that are assigned to one care manager to another care manager in the FCM:
1. On the main Patient's screen, filter to the care manager whose associated members need to transfer to a different account.
2. Click the Action button and click the option “Assign to Care Manager”.
3. On the assignment screen, in the Care Manager drop-down find the new care manager’s name who needs to be assigned these members. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Complete Assignments”.
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