It is also the responsibility of the CMA to address billing support upload errors which are represented in Foothold Care Management as a blue exclamation point directly next to the associated billing support questionnaire. These upload errors occur during FCM’s MAPP syncs when FCM sends the billing support questionnaire data to MAPP and MAPP denies the submission of the billing support data. The reason the data has been denied can be found by clicking on the previously mentioned blue exclamation point.
How to identify errors with a Billing Support Questionnaire.
1. Go to the Manage drop-down and click on "Tracking/Billing Support Status".
2. Filter Billing Support Status to “Added (unsynced)” and Has Billing Support Errors to “Yes”. This will show all patients that have an error on a BSQ for the chosen month.
Learn how to fix these errors by clicking on the article, Fixing Billing Support Questionnaire (BSQ) Errors.
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