What is the purpose of having a Care Management Account?
- With a CM Account, Users can be assigned members for their caseloads.
- With a CM Account, Users can view their CM Dashboards and be included in their Supervisory Team Dashbaords.
- With a CM Account, Users will be able to receive Clinical Event Alerts to their email addresses.
To Create a CM Account:
1. DSP Admins can begin by navigating to the Manage menu, then choose the “Configuration” menu option.
2. On the Configuration screen, click on the "Care Managers" section.
3. On the Care Managers screen, click "New Care Manager" in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen.
4. Fill in details about this care manager and click "Create Care Manager".
Your care manager is now created, will appear in dropdown lists of Care Managers in FCM, and can be assigned to members in FCM.
IMPORTANT: At this moment, the Care Manager has not yet been linked to a User account. Please continue to the article Linking a Care Manager Account to a User Account, which is the final step to completing a User's access to their member data.