With Custom Assessments, Health Homes have built and can build their own unique assessments that fit their Quality and Reporting Needs, which range from something as complete as their own Children or Adult Comprehensive Assessment, to something as straightforward and simple as a Viral Load Tracking.
To be able to show an assessment has been finalized, Users marked them complete, which triggered a time stamp and locked the assessment from further edits.
The challenge comes when Users need to correct mistakes, or enter in pertinent information after assessments have been marked complete. To do this, Users had to reach out to FCM's Help Desk with assistance. However, Admins at the DSP and HH levels now have the permissions to unlock these assessments as of November 17, 2023.
As a precaution, please note that unlocking these custom assessments will clear the original dates of completion. This cannot be undone.
To unlock an assessment, please check out the snippet below!
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